ASTA Team Update

ASTA Team Update

From ASTA’s Andy LaVigne:

I want to provide you an update on a change within the ASTA team that is occurring. Earlier this week, I was approached by Jane DeMarchi and she told me that she has been offered the role of President and CEO of the North American Millers Association (NAMA). She has accepted the position and the NAMA Board has been told that she will be moving into the new role later this month.

While I really hate to see Jane leave the ASTA team, I am extremely proud of her and look forward to working with her in this new role. She has worked extremely diligently, and successfully, for the issues and interests of the American seed industry and will be missed. However, we know that she will continue to be very supportive of the seed industry and issues in the future. We wish her all the best! FYI, she will be with us through Aug. 21st if you want to reach out to her. We’ll also have her future contact information when she transitions and can provide that to you in the future.

I am working with Ann to get the process moving to begin finding Jane’s replacement and will keep you appraised of our progress. If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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