
Member Offerings


IPSA Officers and Board members meet regularly with the world’s top genetic and trait providers, including BASF, Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta, and others. These meetings provide IPSA an important opportunity to serve as an advocate for independent seed companies, stressing the role they play in delivering a variety of quality genetics and traits to America’s farmers.

Annual Meeting

Co-located with GreenLeaf’s Winterfest, IPSA’s Annual Meeting continues to rate as the greatest benefit to most IPSA members. Held each January, this 3-day convention focuses on topics that are vital to the success of independent seed companies.

Tailored to association members, the convention features exciting keynote speakers from inside and outside of the industry. Breakout sessions covering a variety of topics offer another excellent educational opportunity for our members and their employees.

The meeting also boasts an industry leading trade show with vendors from across the country and Canada. Ample time is available to network with peers and associate members.

IPSA has developed an aggressive plan to provide key programs delivered by outstanding speakers during this historic annual conference. One long-time member commented the IPSA conference is the “the best conference in the industry.”


The IPSA scholarship program was created to benefit to future of the agricultural industry by supporting and encouraging the education of future ag professionals.

The IPSA Board, at its discretion, will make periodic awards to a student or students who are studying in the field of agriculture. Preference will be given to children of IPSA members, associates, and to children of employees of IPSA members.

Scholarships are funded by gifts from the Independent Corn Breeders Association, family of the late Les Asplin, Buckhorn Manufacturing, Central Bag Company, and other IPSA members.

Agronomic Research

Research was a driving force in IPSA’s formation and it remains an important role today. Each year IPSA offers several research projects in which members can participate.

Current projects include head-to-head trials of seed treatment and seed enhancement products for corn and soybeans.


One of the most important roles of IPSA is education. In addition to opportunities at the Annual Meeting, IPSA hosts several educational programs throughout the year, based on input from our members and the Education Committee. These have included field days, demonstration plots, sales training and educational webinars on a variety of topics.